Is time to meet your

Next Level Partner.

Services beyond quality.


The culture of work and innovation

is in Mexico, offshoring magnificent connectivity

  2 hrs distance to San Diego CA, Airport

   Main direct border to California and Arizona

  Experienced and talented workforce in industry

Flexible Growth

We know the rules of the game. Understanding the challenges of expanding or setting a new operation is essential to measure risks and secure sucess. 

Engineered shelter model focused on the product to generate added value to the revenue of a company

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Experts in large-scale production in the sectors:

Metal mechanic, aerospace, automotive, medical, and energy.

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Experience the excellence of precision in every asèct of industry

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+ 30 

Years of experience

Working with high-level clients

  Contact us

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Start operations in Mexico, 
reducing risks and adding value to your business.

Contact us, we will be happy to provide more information and assistance.